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Rapper and Sound Engineer, Co-Founder RC Family Record and Rap Curse band. "Rap Curse" is an Arab band plays Rap Music. It was founded from the heart of the biggest Arab capital, Cairo, in 2008. The band is affected by the basic principles of "Hip Hop" music during the seventies of the last century such as anti-discrimination, poverty and other problems which the society still face. But the team adopted the Arab identity not like "Gangsta Rap" which the U.S. suffered from. The band produced many songs which dealt with society matters. These songs tackled some wrong terms. Among that songs are "How to use your mind -(Ezay T7akem 3a2lak)-", "blood pool -(Berket Damm)-". Beside these songs there were others that tackled some phenomenons which are against Arab culture in a sarcastic way like "Visoun -(El Fezoon)-" song. In 2010, the band made its first public party. It was in the "Hip Hop Non Stop" festival in Cairo attended by a lot of fans. The festival was attended by most of "RaP", and "Hip Hop" bands in Egypt. "Rap Curse" received warm welcoming during the festival. The band exerted more efforts in 2012 to choose "slogan", to communicate with its fans and deliver the message of "Hip Hop is a culture -(El Hip Hop Sakafa)-". With that slogan the band produced several songs such as: "intro of Hip Hop is a culture", "1970, the Hip Hop founded -(Nash2et El Rap wel Hip Hop)-", "sixty age -(Sen El Steen)-"..., etc . Members of the Band "Kaiser": he has started his career as single Rapper in 2006. He presented some songs spread fairly. In 2008, the band "Rap Curse" was founded with "Dazzler" who has started in 2007. The members worked very hard and educate themselves through the experience of the two members. They produce several songs starting from "Life Tape -(Shreet 7ayah)-" which was celebrated by the fans of Rap music in Egypt. In 2010, "DJ Afroto" joined the band as a musical coordinator. He became the third member since that time. In 2012, The band announced joining of "Hossam Kamel" to take his role as a specialist in Media production and digital art. At JanJanuary Ahmed Emad (Aka. Kato Beats) has joined "Rap Curse Band to be The 5th member. Kato Beats Produced a lot of Hip-Hop Tracks to the Underground Music scene like some tracks of 40 Youm Album as first official underground album for Rap Curse with the Creative Commons License and he produced alot of tracks for the Record Lable RC HipHop Records Although the difficult matters and the lack of capabilities, the band was able to develop themselves through simple tools. That also use the internet to broadcast their songs. The band seeks the publicity of "Hip Hop" culture and the culture itself through their knowledge in a simple way. They depend on their unity, ideas, efforts.., etc