The history of human emotions | Tiffany Watt Smith

The history of human emotions | Tiffany Watt ...

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Why smell matters more than you think | Paule Joseph

TED Fellow and chemosensory researcher Paule Joseph unveils the hidden power of a sense that's too often overlooked: smell. She delves into the science behind smell — from how it evokes memory and emotion to its potential for early disease detection — and advocates for the creati ...  Show more

Cancelling cancel culture with Loretta Ross | ReThinking with Adam Grant

As a public intellectual, activist and professor at Smith College, Loretta Ross is no stranger to confrontation and debate. But years of working to change the minds of others have led her to rethink her own ideas about approaching difficult conversations. Loretta and Adam discuss ...  Show more

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How to Identify Your Negative Emotions
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We need to pay attention to our negative feelings - since they are telling us important things which we should address if we are to be happier in 2022. But often we just can't tell different emotions apart or have the proper words to describe what we are feeling.Social worker and ...  Show more