Introduction: Also Sprach Zarathustra (Theme ...
Elvis Presley (with Scotty & Bill)
More from "Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite (Live)" album
See See Rider (Live at the Honolulu International Center)
Elvis Presley (with Scotty & Bill)
Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite (Live)
Burning Love (Live at the Honolulu International Center)
Elvis Presley (with Scotty & Bill)
Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite (Live)
Something (Live at the Honolulu International Center)
Elvis Presley (with Scotty & Bill)
Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite (Live)
You Gave Me a Mountain (Live at the Honolulu International Center)
Elvis Presley (with Scotty & Bill)
Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite (Live)
Steamroller Blues (Live at the Honolulu International Center)
Elvis Presley (with Scotty & Bill)
Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite (Live)