Elder Scrolls - Skyrim: Far Horizons
Andrew Skeet / London Philharmonic Orchestra / Crouch End Festival Chorus
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Assassin's Creed - Revelations: Main Theme
Andrew Skeet / Sarah Covey / London Philharmonic Orchestra / Crouch End Festival Chorus
The Greatest Video Game Music 2
Legend of Zelda - the Windwaker: Dragon Roost Island
Andrew Skeet / London Philharmonic Orchestra
The Greatest Video Game Music 2
Final Fantasy VII: One-Winged Angel
Andrew Skeet / London Philharmonic Orchestra / Crouch End Festival Chorus
The Greatest Video Game Music 2
Mass Effect 3: a Future For the Krogan/An End Once and For All
Andrew Skeet / Sarah Covey / London Philharmonic Orchestra
The Greatest Video Game Music 2
Halo: Never Forget/Peril
Andrew Skeet / London Philharmonic Orchestra
The Greatest Video Game Music 2