Lamentations and Praises: II. Stasis I (feat....
3 Plays
More from "Tavener: Lamentations and Praises (feat. Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble)" album
Lamentations and Praises: I. Golgotha. The Descent from the Cross I (feat. Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble)
Lamentations and Praises: III. Wherewithal Shall a Young Man (feat. Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble)
Lamentations and Praises: IV. Thrinos I (feat. Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble)
Lamentations and Praises: V. Epitaphios - Procession I. From Golgotha to the Anointing Stone (feat. Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble)
Lamentations and Praises: VI. The Descent from the Cross II (feat. Handel and Haydn Society of Boston Ensemble)