Lay Down Sally
Balkaneros Banditos, Haris Abdagic & Hari ABD
Other Versions
Lay Down Sally (Sun Ain't Nearly On the Rise)
Balkaneros Banditos & Haris Abdagic
At Night a Candle's Brighter Than the Sun: Some Great Songs About or Mentioning “Sun“
Lay Down Sally (We Still Got the Moon and Stars Above)
Balkaneros Banditos & Haris Abdagic
Misty Taste of Moonshine: Some Great Songs About or Mentioning
Lay Down Sally (I've Been Trying All Night Long Just To Talk To You)
Balkaneros Banditos & Haris Abdagic
Diamond Nights and Ruby Lights: Some Great Songs About or Mentioning “Night“
More from "Lay Down Sally, and Rest Here In My Arms" album
Lay Down Sally (Instrumental Version)
Balkaneros Banditos, Haris Abdagic & Hari ABD
Lay Down Sally, and Rest Here In My Arms